Directors of Studies SPL 1 und SPL 60
The directorates of SPL 1 Catholic Theology and SPL 60 Doctoral programme Catholic Theology are responsible for the studies at the Faculty. They plan the teaching programme and decide on all matters regarding study law and study organisation. The Director of SPL 1 is responsible for the Diploma, Bachelor and Master programmes and the Director of SPL 60 is responsible for the Doctoral programmes.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Regina Polak
Director of Studies SPL 1 (Catholic Theology), Vice-Dean
T +43-1-4277-31907
M +43-664-8174967
Consultation hour after appointment T +43-1-4277-30101 (Gerald Klepitsch)
Duties and responsibilities:
- All bachelor-, master- and diploma programmes in Theology
- Recognition of study achievements
- Degrees in Theology
- Admission questions
- Supervision SSC
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Ioan Moga, Privatdoz.
Vice-Director of Studies SPL 1 (Catholic Theology)
T +43-1-4277-30214
Consultation hour after appointment
Duties and responsibilities:
- Agendas of curricula planning
- Plagiarism assessment of thesis
- Approval of thesis topics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Pokorny
Vice Director of Studies SPL 1 (Religious Studies)
Representative for Research and International Affairs
T +43-1-4277-31602
Consultation hour (dates see here) after appointment T +43-1-4277-30101 (Gerald Klepitsch)
Duties and Responsibilities:
- All agendas concerning the curricula of Religious Studies
© Universität Wien / Joseph Krpelan
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA
Vice-Director of Studies SPL 1 (Islamic Theological Studies)
T +43-1-4277-42515
Office hours: Tuesdays, 16:00-17:00 per appointment
Aufgabenbereich (Auswahl)
- Studienrechtliche Ansprechperson im Bereich der Studiengänge der Islamisch-Theologischen Studien
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Feulner
Vice-Director of Studies SPL 60 (Doctoral/PhD Program Catholic Theology)
T +43-1-4277-30222
Consultation hours by appointment at +43-1-4277-302 21 (Esther Guschall)
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Admission to Doctoral Programmes at the Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Requirements for Doctoral Programmes
- All agendas concerning the doctoral programme at the Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Coordination of the presentations of dissertations
- Final examinations
- Dissertation agreements
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Tiwald
Vice-Director of Studies SPL 60 (Doctoral/PhD Program Catholic Theology)
M +43-664-602 77-30412
Duties and Responsibilities:
- Vienna Doctoral School for Theology and Research on Religion (VDTR)