Graduation from diploma and master programmes


A diploma programme or master programme is completed by a final examination in front of an examination committee, which consists of at least three members.

Design of the final examination

The final examination differs according to the study programme. Further information (in German) on the design of the final examination you find here (in German).

Requirements for the admission to the final examination

Requirements for the admission to the final examination are:

  • the successful passing of all the mandatory exams in the curriculum
  • a positively assessed diploma thesis or master thesis, the expert opinion must have arrived at the SSC.

⇒ All admission requirements must be fulfilled at the latest by the registration deadline, three weeks before the scheduled examination.

In case of the Master's programme Advanced Theological Studies and the Master's programme in Religious Studies, a record of examinations, approved by the Directorate of Studies, has to be presented. For all other diploma programmes and master programmes no record of examinations has to be filled in and submitted.


Submission of the record of examinations of the Master's programme in Religious Study/ Advanced Theological Studies

  • Fill in the record of examinations and submit it at the SSC as scanned document via e-mail 
  • The record of examinations will be presented to the Directorate of Studies for approval. You will be informed about the decision of the Directorate of Studies via e-mail by the SSC.

Appointments for the final examinations

  • Appointments (in theological diploma or master's degree programmes) for the final examinations are offered four times every semester. If you want to take the examination at a certain appointment, please observe the application closing date and the closing date for the submission of your diploma thesis or master thesis. The SSC puts together an examination committee once you apply to take the examination at one of the offered appoinments of the Directorate of Studies. At the latest, two weeks before the examination appointment, you will receive the exact date, time and room of your final examination via e-mail.
  • In case you intend to take an individual examination date, you have to organise the examination date, time and the entire examination senate yourself. Two weeks before the planned final examination at the latest, you announce this in the SSC, we then officially announce the date.                                                                                                                                     ⇒ For information: An examination senate consists of at least three persons: 1st examiner (your supervisor), 2nd examiner and a chairperson. The chair is usually assumed by the SPL or the head of the degree programme delegates the chair to a third member of the examination senate to be appointed by him/her.
  • For the Master's programme in Religious Studies, there are no fixed examination days. They are offered as required. Contact the Department of Religious Studies to make an appointment. 2 weeks before the scheduled final examination, please send the registration form with all relevant data (examiners; chairperson; date; time; room of the examination) to



Registration for the final examination

Registration for the final examination

Registration for the final examination of the Diploma Programme in Catholic Theology, the Master's Programme in Advanced Theological Studies and the Master's Programme in Religious Studies is to be done as follows:

  • Fill in the registration form and submit it as scanned document via e-mail to the SSC. Students of the diploma programme in Catholic Theology and the master programme Advanced Theological Studies must observe the respective closing date!

Registration for the final examination for the Master's Programme in Teacher Education in Catholic Religion

The graduation from the Master's Programme in Teacher Education with compulsary combination differs according to which teaching subject you write your master thesis on.

If you write your master thesis in the teaching subject Catholic Religion, the teaching subject Catholic Religion is the first subject, please ensure the following:

  • For the admission to the final examination, all courses of the first subject, the second subject and the pedagogical part at the Department of Teacher Education, as well as the practical training have to be completed. Also, the master´s thesis has to be positivey assessed.
  • Fill in the registration form and submit it to the SSC as scanned document via e-mail. Please observe the respective apllication closing date!

If you DO NOT write your master's  thesis in the teaching subject Catholic Religion, the teaching subject Catholic Religion is the second subject, please note the following: 

  • When you have passed all examinaions of the second subject Catholic Religion, report this along  with your student ID number and your relevant field of studies to After checking your courses  for the teaching subject Catholic Religion, the SSC registers the completion, which will be accessible to the SSC of your first subject in the university's system.
  • The registration for the final examination is via the SSC of your first subject. Therefore, please contact the website of the SSC of your first subject regarding registration requirements.
