GAIN Gender & Agency Prizes


Prize for scientific theses

The research platform GAIN - Gender: Ambivalent In_Visibilities will again award prizes for dissertations, diploma and master theses at the University of Vienna in 2023!

Submission is possible under the following conditions:

Dissertations, diploma and master's theses in the field of Gender Studies can be submitted by the authors. The procedure (incl. defensio/diploma examination) must be completed. The theses must have been approved after 01.01.2014.

The prize money for dissertations is 1,000 (one thousand euro), for MA and diploma theses 500 ( five hundred euro).

Submission deadline: 30th June 2023

Documents to be submitted (electronically, each in separate PDF documents):

  • Full text of the thesis
  • Brief description of the work in max. 7,000 characters (research approach, main topics, methods, research process, results)
  • All reviews
  • Degree certificate
  • Curriculum Vitae

Submission adress:
Subject: GAIN Gender & Agency Prize

It is not possible to resubmit a paper already submitted in the previous year or a paper submitted to the Gender & Agency Research Network.

Further information can be found here: