Registration for courses

You have to register for courses via U:FIND during the registration periods of the respective courses. You can find the registration periods within the respective course in U:FIND. Please note, that the SSC and the Departments of the Faculty will not register you for courses, but that it is your responsibilty to register yourself.

The following registration and deregistration deadlines apply to all courses of the SPL 1 and SPL 60:

Registration deadline for courses with non-continuous assessment

Winter term 2023

  • Beginning of the registration period: 01.09.2023 00:00
  • End of the registration period: 30.09.2024 23:59

Summer term 2023:

  • Beginning of the registration period: 01.02.2023 00:00
  • End of the registration period: 28.02.2024 23:59

 The registration and deregistration deadlines for non-examination courses are regulated uniformly throughout the university.

Registration deadline for courses with continuous assessement winter term 2024

  • Beginning of the registration period: 02.09.2024 10:00 a.m.
  • End of the registration period: 25.09.2024  10:00 a.m.
  • End of the deregistration period: 15.10.2024 23:59

The registration and deregistration deadlines apply to courses of SPL 1 and SPL 60. For courses of other SPLs, please observe the deadlines applicable there.


Are you having problems with registering for a course? 

In order to register successfully, you have to fulfil the requirements according to the curriculum of your degree programme. It is not possible to register for a course, if you do not fulfil these requirements.

If you have a problem with your registration, although you fulfil all the necessary requirements, please contact the SSC via mail from your U:NET account: Name the course and the course number and describe the problem you are having. We will try to help you as soon as possible with your registration.

How to register for a course: